
  • Dominika Čmehýlová-Rašová Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia


pragmatics, creativity, calligram, meaning, competence, interpretation


The purpose of the paper is to define the didactic aspects of linguistic creation in the context of the mass media communication study program and to point out specific pragmatic-communicative technicalities and interpretation problems of selected texts – calligrams. As this genre is completely different in content and form from other literary works – it is also remarkably close to fine art – it has to be approached particularly, and its deliberate concentration needs be taken into account. Within the interpretation, the attention is focused on the close connection of semantics, pragmatics, and grammar, important in understanding the meaning and inference of the used means of expression and conditioned by the level of linguistic competence of the recipient and dependent on the context.


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How to Cite

Čmehýlová-Rašová, D. (2024). PRAGMATICKÉ ŠPECIFIKÁ JAZYKOVEJ KREATÍVY - KALIGRAM. Apps - Academic Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 2(1), 41–51. Retrieved from