
  • Stanislav Kováč Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages


transcription, pronunciation, International Phonetic Alphabet, Slovak language, foreign language teaching


The research study examines specific aspects of teaching Slovak pronunciation to foreign language learners, with a focus on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Conducted through action research, it explores the challenges posed by certain phonemes in early learning stages and assesses learners' attitudes toward pronunciation importance. Findings reveal varying perspectives, with some prioritizing sounding like native speakers, while others emphasize comprehension. Preferred learning techniques include imitating heard speech, utilizing online dictionaries, repeating correct pronunciation, and receiving feedback. While the International Phonetic Alphabet is considered useful, only a small percentage of respondents are familiar with this method.


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How to Cite

Kováč, S. (2024). THE USE OF PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION IN IMPROVING PRONUNCIATION IN TEACHING SLOVAK AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Apps - Academic Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 2(1), 29–40. Retrieved from