
  • Darina Veverková Technical University in Zvolen, Institute of Foreign Languages, Slovakia
  • Katarína Chovancová Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Arts, Slovakia


Michel Tournier, novel, space, time, journey, language units


The paper deals with the expression of space in the novel Les Météores by French writer Michel Tournier. It analyses the complex system of spatial references used in the text, being grounded in the works of various linguists. The novel, based on the exceptionally rewritten and renewed Greek myth of the twins Castor and Pollux, is a long initiatory quest of Paul searching for his brother Jean, passing through different spaces of certain symbolic value. Therefore, Les Météores represents an ideal base for the analysis of the linguistic units expressing space. All spatial references demonstrate a novelistic complexity and variety in which the plot of the novel advances, and the characters develop, change and metamorphose.


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How to Cite

Veverková, D., & Chovancová, K. (2024). EXPRESSING SPACE IN LES MÉTÉORES BY MICHEL TOURNIER. Apps - Academic Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 2(2), 37–44. Retrieved from