21st century skills, qualitative analysis, ESP, focus groups, design thinkingAbstract
The demands and requirements of the workforce have experienced significant transformations in the 21st century, thereby requiring higher education institutions to adapt accordingly. The cultivation of a pivotal array of proficiencies commonly referred to as the 4Cs, specifically critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, has assumed an utmost significance for individuals embarking upon the pursuit of advanced academic endeavors. The critical importance of these skills is incrementally recognized as a way to succeed in the modern dynamic society and is imperative for attaining successful career goals. The significance of cultivating the 4Cs (namely critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) among students enrolled in higher educational institutions cannot be overstated. This endeavor plays a crucial role in providing them with the essential competencies required to navigate the professional realm, where these proficiencies are highly valued. An emerging pattern within the context of employment is the inclination of employers to take steps to recruit individuals who demonstrate a high level of competence in the domains of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Moreover, it is of utmost importance for individuals to acquire these skills to foster a profound sense of accountability and to cultivate the essential attributes required for assuming positions of leadership and making significant contributions to the community. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for institutions of higher education to prioritize the development of the 4Cs within their curriculum and ensure that students are provided with abundant opportunities to actively apply and improve these skills throughout their academic journey. By employing this particular methodology, students will develop an elevated state of preparedness in order to effectively confront the imminent challenges that lie towards the future. Moreover, they will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make substantial and meaningful contributions to the broader community. To augment the language proficiency of engineering students at FEIT and SjF UNIZA, we carried out transformations to the seminar's framework to harmonize with pointed out objectives. The subsequent article proffers an evaluation pertaining to the process of transformation.
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