
  • Zuzana Danihelová Technical University in Zvolen, Institute of Foreign Languages, Slovakia
  • Vladimír Machula Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Republic


terminology, aerobatics, powered aerobatics, glider aerobatics, jargon, phraseology


The present paper deals with the specifics of terminology of both powered and glider aerobatics. In addition to English terminology and Slovak and Czech equivalents, the paper presents also selected aspects of professional jargon and typical phraseology applied in international aerobatic contests from the perspective of judges. Although the Slovak-English terminology equivalents in terms of flight aerodynamics and mechanics are tackled in the work Slovenský letecký slovník, terminologický a výkladový by Nedelka a kol. (1998), it is possible to identify certain elements of the terminology, which are not discussed in the mentioned work. The aim of the paper is to expand on the terminology listed in the aforementioned dictionary and define terms commonly used in aerobatic practice. Moreover, the additional expressions are briefly analysed and compared in terms of word formation.


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How to Cite

Danihelová, Z., & Machula, V. (2023). SPECIFICS OF AEROBATICS TERMINOLOGY. Apps - Academic Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 1(2), 35–76. Retrieved from https://ojs.tuzvo.sk/index.php/apps/article/view/81


