
  • Viktória Satinová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Silvia Jánošíková Technical University in Zvolen
  • Nadežda Langová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Zuzana Vidholdová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Ján Iždinský Technical University in Zvolen


wooden recyclate, particleboard, furniture joints, joint mechanical properties


The effect of particleboard (PB) composition made of recycled or lower-quality timber on the mechanical properties of selected furniture joints is determined in the paper. The tested PBs were manufactured using recycled PB or blockboard from old furniture and lower- quality timber with brown or white rot. The laboratory-produced control PB with particle content of 100% sound spruce wood (Picea abies Karst. L.) and commercial PBs  were used for comparison of the results. The load capacity and stiffness of corner joints with the confirmat (ø5 × 50 mm) and wooden dowel (ø6 × 30 mm) and the withdrawal resistance and stiffness of the screw (ø3.5 × 30 mm) were tested. The corner joints were loaded under compression by bending moment in the angular plane. In terms of load-carrying capacity, control PB was the most suitable in achieving a load-carrying capacity of 7827.61 N∙mm for the confirmat and PB from recycled blockboard 4072.71 N∙mm when using the wooden dowel. As for joint stiffness, the best values achieved were 1316.00 N∙mm/° and 808.58 N∙mm/° for the PB from recycled blockboard using the confirmat and dowel, respectively. PB from recycled blockboard again showed the highest values of screw withdrawal resistance - for the edge withdrawal 416.61 N and for the surface withdrawal 556.44 N. Considering the values found for the investigated mechanical properties, it was assumed that the tested materials can be used as non-load-bearing elements in furniture construction.


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How to Cite

Satinová, V., Jánošíková, S., Langová, N., Vidholdová, Z., & Iždinský, J. (2024). THE EFFECT OF TYPE OF WOOD-BASED RECYCLATE AND LOW-QUALITY TIMBER IN PARTICLEBOARD ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FURNITURE JOINTS. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, 66(1), 17–32. Retrieved from