
  • Hubert Paluš Technical University in Zvolen
  • Nikola Slašťanová Technical University in Zvolen
  • Ján Parobek Technical University in Zvolen
  • Rastislav Čerešňa Technical University in Zvolen


wood processing industry, environmentally sustainable purchasing, green supply chain, companies’ performance


Environmentally sustainable purchasing, often called green purchasing, is a method of purchasing with the help of which public and private institutions purchase goods and services with the lowest possible negative impact on the environment and thus replace goods or services that would normally be purchased to perform the same function but with worse impact on the environment. The main objective of the paper is to propose a model of environmentally sustainable purchasing implementation in wood processing companies in Slovakia. The model is compiled based on the evaluation of the survey and the subsequent confirmation of the established hypotheses. The results confirmed that purchasing process companies improve the efficiency of business processes by introducing environmental requirements in their supply chains. Identified relationships will contribute to the implementation of environmentally appropriate purchasing by wood processing companies.


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How to Cite

Paluš, H., Slašťanová, N., Parobek, J., & Čerešňa, R. (2023). PROPOSAL OF A MODEL FOR THE IMPLEMANTATION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE PURCHASING IN WOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, 65(1), 125–134. Retrieved from