
  • Ján Parobek Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Hubert Paluš Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Martin Moravčík National Forestry Center, Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Miroslav Kovalčík National Forestry Center, Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Michal Dzian Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia


cascade coefficient; harvested wood products; by-products; sawnwood.


Successful implementation of wood utilisation in various industry sectors is a driving force for building a sustainable society. Knowing the volume of by-products is essential for assessing the industry's contribution to the circular economy based on the level of application of wood cascading principles. The study deals with the analysis of actual wood use patterns in Slovakia with a focus on wood by-product management. The obtained data are the basis for calculating a cascading coefficient to evaluate the use of wood in the whole chain of its processing and utilisation. Results confirm that the most important producer of wood by-products is the sawmilling industry, consuming approximately 40% of the total volume of industrial wood. The value of the cascading coefficient in the Slovak Republic calculated with the inclusion of sources and products for energy use based on 2020 data determined on the basis of a questionnaire survey was 1.33.


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How to Cite

Parobek, J., Paluš , H., Moravčík , M., Kovalčík , M., & Dzian, M. (2024). UTILISATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF WOOD BY-PRODUCTS FROM PRIMARY WOOD PROCESSING. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, 66(2), 125–136. Retrieved from https://ojs.tuzvo.sk/index.php/AFXZ/article/view/129