
  • Katarína Marcineková Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Andrea Janakova Sujova Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
  • Martin Halász Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia


agile maturity model; agility evaluation; woodworking company; enterprise agility; change management.


Agility has become a strategic priority for organizations striving to succeed in dynamic and unpredictable environments. This study is aimed at evaluating the agility of a Slovak woodworking company based on the application of a proposed assessment framework by authors to find out the agility level, the main gaps in its agility practices, and how these gaps can be addressed to improve agility. The custom-designed agility maturity model, structured interviews, questionnaires, and diagnostic tests are used in the research to examine 35 key agility elements and seven dimensions, including organization, processes, change culture, human resources, customer engagement, and innovation. The findings reveal significant gaps in process management, technology integration, and customer orientation, where agile practices are partially recognized but still need to be fully implemented. Actionable recommendations are proposed to enhance operational flexibility, foster innovation, and improve customer-centricity. This study demonstrates the critical role of agility in maintaining competitiveness and provides a roadmap for its systematic enhancement in small and medium-sized enterprises.


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How to Cite

Marcineková, K., Janakova Sujova, A., & Halász, M. (2024). AGILITY ASSESSMENT IN THE WOODWORKING COMPANY. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, 66(2), 155–171. Retrieved from