
  • Milena Henke Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Barbara Lis Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Tomasz Krystofiak Poznan University of Life Sciences


acrylic varnish, conventional viscosity, apparent viscosity, Ostwald de Waele rheological model


Superior surface finishing in furniture manufacturing requires an understanding of varnish product rheology. The rheological properties of acrylic primer, basecoat and topcoat, intended for roller varnishing and UV curing are examined in the study. Two methods were used to measure viscosity: Brookfield rheoviscometer and Ford cup. The results discuss the effect of increasing temperature on a decrease in viscosity. Rheological modeling using the Ostwald de Waele power law model explained the non-Newtonian, shear-thinning, rheostable behavior of liquid. It was shown that the flow index of some varnish products in Standard Conditions for Temperature was close to the Newtonian fluid. However increasing consistency index parameter indicates the pseudoplastic behavior of the fluid. The findings highlight the importance of controlling viscosity and temperature during varnish product application processes to ensure optimal coating quality. This research provides valuable insight into the rheological properties of industrial coatings, facilitating advances in coating technology and quality control practices.


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How to Cite

Henke, M., Lis, B., & Krystofiak, T. (2024). RHEOLOGICAL STUDY OF INDUSTRIAL VARNISHES AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, 66(1), 105–114. Retrieved from https://ojs.tuzvo.sk/index.php/AFXZ/article/view/105